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What is simple assault?

On Behalf of | Feb 29, 2024 | Criminal Defense, Criminal Law |

Assault charges can be rather complex. The law allows for various degrees and types of assault crimes.

One type of charge is simple assault. Understanding what constitutes simple assault is important to defending against accusations.

Simple assault definition

Simple assault is attempting to cause or causing bodily injury to another person, whether through purposeful or reckless actions. It can also include negligently causing bodily injury with a deadly weapon.

Bodily injury includes physical pain, illness or any impairment of physical condition. This means that even minor injuries may be simple assault under New Jersey law.

Elevation potential

Simple assault is typically a disorderly persons offense, which is similar to a misdemeanor in other states. However, it can become a more serious charge if certain factors are present. For example, if the assault is against a police officer, teacher or other protected individuals, it can become a fourth-degree crime.


The consequences of a simple assault conviction can include jail time and fines. It also will result in a criminal record, which can have long-lasting effects on a person’s life. It can impact employment opportunities, housing options and even the ability to obtain certain licenses or permits.

Potential defense

Self-defense is a valid defense to a charge of simple assault. If a person reasonably believes that they are in imminent danger of bodily injury, they have the right to defend themselves using reasonable force.

For a person facing charges of simple assault, understanding the charge can help with navigating the legal system. It can be helpful to go into the situation with knowledge about the charges and potential consequences.